Phil 987 Comedy Set Compilation | The Greg & Rob Podcast
DISCLAIMER: Matteo Pascale requested to edit and delete the offensive content from Phil 987, but was denied permission by the show’s creators, Greg & Rob Cardazone. Matteo Pascale apologizes for any material that offends the public.
Normally I would not upload clips from The Greg & Rob Podcast onto this website, but this video has to be uploaded on a private website, because of how offensive it is. This compilation of Phil 987 doing comedy up comedy was part of the live podcast event I co-hosted with Greg & Rob and produced. The Judge's Panel consisted of Farooq Hussain, Antonio Giurato, Travis Grant, Rob Cardazone, and Joe Mahoney.
This compilation is from, "The Greg & Rob Podcast: #24. LIVE SHOW: Freaking Madness Comedy Competition at Wawa Social Club" For other related content to The Greg & Rob Podcast visit The Greg & Rob Podcast Video Channel and listen to the audio podcast on must RSS feed streaming platforms.